
Wabash Media can help you aquire a domain name for your website.
We can negoiate the sale of a domain name from a broker that has the name you want but not available.
We have domain names that you can lease from us for your website or for a web funnel or a redirect promotion.

We will do a search for you and send you options that will work for you for $79

We negotiated the sale and transfer of

To help you get started, we have these recommendations for selecting your domain:

  • Keep it simple. Try to find something that people can remember and that is related to your business or content of your website.
  • Avoid numbers, hyphens or uncommon words. These things just make it harder for people to remember and type in your domain correctly.
  • Include your location. If you have a business that only services a specific city or region, consider including it in your domain name, we have had great sucess with that.
  • Register different extensions. While .com is the best extension to have, you’ll maintain more control over your brand if you register various other extensions like  .net .biz or .org.
    That also stops your competition from getting a domain similar to yours and pointing it to their website.

Click on the link below to pay $79 and get started on brnading your business.
Once paid you will get email instructions on the next step.

Pay $79 search fee here