Create Local SEO Friendly Content

Would you advertise locally to acquire new customers?

If you answered yes to this question, then having local SEO friendly content on your site can help you attract local customers.

Creating content for the sake of adding content is not a productive use of time and will not help you rank higher on Google nor will it help you drive more sales. Creating well thought out, interesting, and helpful content for your local customers will help.

Local SEO ready content can contain:

  • Informative Blog Posts
  • Pages about your business and services.
  • Info-graphics
  • Videos

Local SEO content creates familiarity and trust with people in your local area, it takes into consideration the climate where you do business. If your business only sells swimsuits, and you are located in New York City or Boston, where it is cold in the winter months, you may want to create content about the best swimsuits for different types of vacations, adding links to travel sites, and requesting back links from local travel agents can boost your content in SERPs. Being creative with your online content can be a part of your sustainability plan through times of slower sales.

Having a local SEO content plan to help you consistently create content over time can create a boost in your search rankings, which leads to more traffic online and foot traffic and phone calls to your local business.

Keyword Research

Researching keywords is one of the most important elements of local SEO – search engine optimization. Knowing what search terms people in your area are using when they do a search for your products or services helps you decide which keywords to use when you are creating content for those pages. Being able to narrow your keywords down to the most likely search phrases that your local prospects are using gives your business a competitive advantage to be seen, and to attract buyers at the moment they are searching.
Keyword planning is essential to the success of your local SEO.

Update Title Tags, Headers, Meta Description

Title tags are used by search engines and are clickable headlines for given results.

Header Tags should make sense to your readers.

The Meta Description is a snippet that summarizes a page’s content. This is a HTML tag that should contain the search phrase that you desire. This is like an advertisement for your webpage. It will help your searches have more click-throughs to your site. Optimizing the meta description is crucial for local SEO.

Update ALT Tags and Link Tags

Alt Tags are useful because they help visually impaired people engage with your site. It doesn’t hurt to have your keyword included as an extra boost for page relevance and to create more traffic opportunities with Google Images. Link tags are visible to Google and will answer the questions about where you are linking to. Linking to your own site will help your domain authority and keeps your content organized.

Our Local SEO Plan Consists of ;

  • Keyword research with focus on Local SEO
  • Local SEO friendly content
  • Optimized URLs
  • Updated title tags, headers, and meta description
  • Update ALT tags and link tags
  • Updated Google My Business page connecting important local SEO content.